Tuesday, October 2, 2012

American Fugitive

It is still possible to live as a fugitive in America today.

It is still possible to feel the wind at your back,
The blood rushing through your spine,
While you whiz through the night,

It is still possible to live as a fugitive in America today,
Greeting locals and buying newspapers,
Sipping coffee and reminiscing casually,
Standing with your very best friends.

It is still possible to live as a fugitive in America today,
To live as a fugitive is to live the life of a stolen man,
Your very own self and smelt for sale,
Your very own body and core on trial.

It is still possible to live as a fugitive in America today,
Smart fugitives are too cunning to do stupid things,
They follow the grid and never speed,
Pay in cash and leave their change.

To live as a fugitive, tip your cap and step outside,
To live as a fugitive, take a sigh and drop behind,
Just beyond the frame.

American Fugitive
Daniel James 2012