Saturday, March 5, 2011

Music Gigs 2005-10

Make no mistake about it, your friendly Author is not at all a musician. Yet somehow, the music has found him. For archival purposes, here are recordings of three (defunct) outfits I've been involved in:

"The Plastic Hearts" were my roommates, plus two additional friends, from Boulder, CO. They would practice in the living room, and the dog and I would sit in my room and listen. One day, they started practicing a particularly jamming riff, and I began to daydream along with it. After some weeks past, they had yet to secure lyrics for the piece, and I sheepishly presented a sheet of lyrics.

Here is a clip from our first show, and the only song in their set I participated in. In total, we maybe played 5 or so shows in the Denver/Boulder area-- our best being our last at the famed Monkey Mania. As I recall, it was about ten times more theatrical than this clip, and I was sore for several days after. Video was taken, but isn't in my hands and has yet to surface elsewhere.

About a year or so after graduating college, I found myself pennyless and living in my mother's house with the dog in the mystical "Oz" city of Grand Rapids, Minnesota. This was a difficult time, and my employment consisted of cashiering at an empty, 1970's-style Kmart with a group of old ladies named Joan, Alice and Carolyn. This was actually pretty cool, and I'll get the whole recap down on text whenever I catch up with life. My second job was as a swim coach at the YMCA, which is ironic given the tragically comic end to my swimming career (ask me about it in-person, and I'll buy you a drink!)

Anywho... for a fleeting moment me and my fellow aging homebound, Martin "fartin" Latimer aka The Tron, were cult celebrities of sorts amongst the youth hipster/dipster community. We'd spin records for the community radio and just generally act as the weirdo resident art kids in town. This lead to a one-time-only gig at the local youth center, partnering with three of the best musicians in town-- this was actually near the end of a mega-cool youth movement that lasted from 1998-2008 in Grand Rapids. (Hopefully a cool youth movement is happening now, but I'm not there to be sure...)

Here is "Bad of Meat," from the only full "Obstacle Corpse" performance ever, at the Ground Floor:

Bag of Meat

ObstacleCorpse! | Myspace Music Videos

This last one is most recent, a project currently on hiatus called "Mother Hug." I sorta got roped into this one by being friends with a bunch of the local musicians in Hot Springs, Arkanasa, and really just got tossed up in front of the mic 'cause I can't play an instrument. Nonetheless, it was a pretty fun "alter-ego" and we've done about 10 or so shows in and around Hot Springs.

Here is a clip taken from a security camera at Low Key Arts.

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