Saturday, December 19, 2015

Another Chance

If I had another chance 
to hold you close 
Iʼd whisper my thoughts 
for you Iʼd boast.

Iʼd graze your hair 
smoothing every strand 
and feel the cool of your face 
against the palm of my hand.

Iʼd puncture your thoughts 
through the steady of my stare 
greens hueing and spewing 
through the midnight air.

Iʼd feel your heart beat 
galloping next to mine 
chest scuffing and ruffing 
against your soft divine.

Weʼd tangle and tremble, laugh and cry 
Embrace and savor, every second spry

Weʼd roll our eyes, bump our noses 
Gloat about our perfect teeth

If I had another chance...


To live in the moment 
is to know the best 
is always here.

Daniel James
Fall of 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Beautiful Summer

It was to be ephemeral, transitory;
A shared secret hidden from others to see.

It was to be flexible, vivid and carefree;
A mutual bond to celebrate new beginnings.

They huddled away, spoke in hushed tones,
Gazed into reflecting eyes and spoke from the heart.

They adventured together, invented time together,
And together they bloomed a wonderful warmth within.

It seemed as though summer could last forever,
But seasons changed and feelings changed faster.

The frigid air of autumn brought with it priorities and necessity,
Whatever was said could not be heard, and pride trumped tenderness.

They had no disagreements, only misunderstandings,
Each with mutual warmth and admiration that needlessly faltered. 

He wanted her time, impracticable as it may be,
and expected her to feel the same draw towards he.

But she no longer craved his humble affection, 
and he became restless, calculating and selfish.

What began as an honest profession of longing,
Turned to misplaced resent and shamed sentiment.

All he needed to do was say goodbye,
But she no longer had the time for he.


Solace comes from human hope,
That summer will return another day,
And friendships can endure the cold.

Beautiful Summer
daniel james 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015

To you, I lost

If I could warm,
the cold inside;
Erase the doubt,
with a smile;
I'd offer a sponge,
to soak up the joy;
And ooze your heart
with Goodness.

To you, I lost
daniel james 2015

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Life the ability to think and believe.

It’s what you feel when you look in the mirror,
and wonder exactly what you’re really looking at.

It’s the observation that takes place,
when you’re not doing anything important.

It’s when you look around and realize,
that life will give you chances and options.

That it is a mystery but not a game,
with only participants and their paths.

Sometimes a path goes up a steep slope,
or it goes straight ahead and winds around.

You’ll never know but you’ll wonder,
about what you’ll never know for sure.

Daniel James 2015

Sunday, January 4, 2015

That Need Inside

I felt a need to hold
a need to press
a need to confess
and touch the flesh

to feel and touch
what craves inside
to push and pull
what lives beside

a spark in the dark
to percolate

thrust through the dusk
to concentrate

fire to boil
water to burn

eye to eye
yearn to spurn

I feel a need
That lives beside

I feel a need
That need inside

That Need Inside
Daniel James 2015