Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Beautiful Summer

It was to be ephemeral, transitory;
A shared secret hidden from others to see.

It was to be flexible, vivid and carefree;
A mutual bond to celebrate new beginnings.

They huddled away, spoke in hushed tones,
Gazed into reflecting eyes and spoke from the heart.

They adventured together, invented time together,
And together they bloomed a wonderful warmth within.

It seemed as though summer could last forever,
But seasons changed and feelings changed faster.

The frigid air of autumn brought with it priorities and necessity,
Whatever was said could not be heard, and pride trumped tenderness.

They had no disagreements, only misunderstandings,
Each with mutual warmth and admiration that needlessly faltered. 

He wanted her time, impracticable as it may be,
and expected her to feel the same draw towards he.

But she no longer craved his humble affection, 
and he became restless, calculating and selfish.

What began as an honest profession of longing,
Turned to misplaced resent and shamed sentiment.

All he needed to do was say goodbye,
But she no longer had the time for he.


Solace comes from human hope,
That summer will return another day,
And friendships can endure the cold.

Beautiful Summer
daniel james 2015

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