Friday, November 14, 2014

Eternal Wisdom

One moment you will wake up,
And feel a sense of tranquil nothingness on your face;
Devoid of hot or cold, pressure or release.

And that feeling of nothingness will move you;
Your eyes will open and you’ll breathe a conscious breath;
And a gulp of warm liquid will shallow down your throat.

You will crave nothing. You will need nothing.
You will know that the world is a place in space that reacts to time.

And then you will live again;
For the first time.

Eternal Wisdom
Daniel James 2014

The best thing about aging

Perhaps the best thing about aging is realizing the preciousness of time.
Every second is a unique second. Every second can contain a lifetime.

Moments can slow down and speed up at your will.
And thus,  no matter what, a long day is always a good day.
It means that you have really lived, that you will remember.

What a greater way to live than to remember.
What a greater way to remember than to live.

The best thing about aging
Daniel James 2014

The best thing about living

The best thing about living is the unpredictability.

The best thing about living
Daniel James 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How to be successful in anything you do:

1.) Do something.
2.) Practice at it.
3.) Fail at it.
4.) Think about it, for a long time.
5.) Try it again, but in a different way.
6.) Ask someone’s opinion.
7.) Ask someone to help you.
8.) Make your own decisions.
9.) Be around good people.
10.) Follow your heart.


How to be successful in anything you do:
Daniel James 2014

Saturday, April 5, 2014

All around us

Tipped toes are not made to be stepped on
Dip them in the warm white sandy beaches
Wash them off in the turquoise of the sea.

For the ghosts are all around us
Spoke the silver in the sky.

Time is of the essence
Purred the river in the creek.

Clickity-clack, clickity-clack
Gentle sway to calm the way.

Clickity-clack, clickity-clack
The puppy dog wags its tail.

All around us
Daniel James 2014

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Speechless Divine

He could only vibrate
Unable to sleep, unable to wake
Lost in the gray blue haze of an arctic sky.

He could only feel
What ears cannot hear
And what the eyes cannot share with the mind.

Frozen in time
Speechless divine
He felt the pulse ripple down his spine.

And while the hallow hallways moan and groan
Through shallow lights and heavy stairways
A waiting stillness fell into the night
Arching towards the empty floor
Against a corner to rest.

He tried to talk, and it to him
His mouth open, and its gaze waiting
Until the night fever gave way to snow
Cooled against a hidden moonlight.

As it had been before
Which could not be denied
He could think of nothing more.

Speechless Divine
Daniel James 2014

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Creature of the Sea

He dreamt of a creature from the sea, a silky dark-haired vixen with beautiful brown eyes and arms outstretched to the skies.. she knows the power of her ways, her irresistible gaze.. melting the minds of men at her feet.

He stared with his mind blank, unable to think.. hoping the charm would beam through his chest to hers when eyes meet. To the seas, their hearts race. To the seas, their spirits flow.. to ravish the rocks of the shore.

Creature of the Sea

Daniel James 2014

Friday, January 31, 2014

True Beauty (advice to a beautiful stranger)

True beauty lies in the heart, shines through the breast and out the pores;
it spears you and smears you and streams through the floors; it stabs you and drags you and smothers the whores. True beauty lies in the heart, that throbbing blob to fuel the mob, making so the night gives flight, making so the fight is right. It’s in the chest, it can’t be seen; yet beams and steams and rips through the seams. It is faceless, out of hand, can’t be delivered by a mail man; you’ll need to send it and send it right, but do not fight to spite it’s might. There to be hold, not to be sold; it is your beauty forever gold.

True Beauty (advice to a beautiful stranger)
Daniel James 2012

Circular Fate

Close your eyes and feel the pull. It will direct you. It will magnetize you. You have a pull at the core; minerals and elements strewn together by soul. Your energy needs an outlet. It needs to be plugged in and utilized. Roots are drawn to water; water craves a root to grow. Let the pull drive you; let it take you to beyond your rational thought, beyond your mind, beyond your numerical value, beyond your chartered tour. Open your eyes and pull the light inside, open your eyes and see for the first time; again.

Circular Fate
Daniel James 2012

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Issues in Courtship, part 1 (2006)

Friday, May 12, 2006

No, I don't have any gum. 
But you may sit and watch from the curb.  
Lick your lips and eat your apple. 
Stare and probe and cast your charge.
Cock your head to gaze through lashes.

 I will pretend to be busy. Everyone has a task. 
Everyone can fake an excuse. I just need time to think.
There is room, yes, there is room.
But it wouldn't be 'till Memphis that I know for sure.     

These things take time.

We may need to shop together, to watch each other browse. To amble and ponder and dream of the future. That will do more good than hours of stilted small talk.

Posture is key. How do you react to change? I would like to see you walk through a harsh gust of wind; smell your favorite soap; listen to you eat a sandwich. 
These things take time.

I appreciate your candor and determined feist. Perhaps you've had time to gauge me, but this is the first I've heard of it. Television only works one-way.

Ask me a question, and I will be bland and practical.
Tell me your name, and I will forget.
If you sit in my lap, I'll try not to drop you. 

These things take time, and I'm in no big hurry. 
You can come if you like, but it'll be awkward at first. 

Would it be ok if I just sat on your couch and watched you perform mundane daily chores? 
Then we could play a game of Frisbee and have a staring competition later on?                                                                                                                                                                 That way I'll know for sure. 
That way we'll hit the ground running. 

But, like I said, come along if you like.

Issues in Courtship, part 1
Daniel James 

A Date with The Muse (2005)

        I can see you.

        Skidding through culture in your white Chevy van. 
        Discount cheese and a lone sardine can. Hiding behind curtains to read your book. 
        To enjoy your borrowed cot.

         I hold the globe, and you see it too. 
         I've been waiting with long-bearded curiosity and silver wolf-eyes.

         You sell wares to buy your meals. To pay your gas.
          It has been a long time since I've been spotted.

        Come, walk with me. We will hold hands and gaze into their vacant eyes. 
        We will dance and sing. We will lean on light poles and watch them scatter.

        The protest will only last as long as the evening news.
        They have babies to feed and taxes to pay.

         We will ride scooters through the park. That will be our protest. 
         Tears will stream from our cheeks, leaving trails of muddied sidewalks. 
         For children to play in with glee.

         You are me and I am you.
         I can tell by the whites of your eyes.
         You can tell by the way I wear my hair.

         We pass with a flash, but will meet again.

                 --If not in flesh, in spirit--

             I am here, I will always be here.
            And you will always be on vacation.

        Give me your hand, and I will play with it. 
        Tell me your stories, and I will beam.  
        I'd give you directions, but am better with thoughts than words.

         Take a left on Johnson, right on Main.
         I'll take your receipt and pin it to my wall.

         Perhaps we'll meet another day.

        A Date with the Muse
        Daniel James 2005


There comes a time in a young lad’s life where he must choose to act:
  “Choose” is the most deciding factor.

The chance to act is sitting right there, but won’t just jump into your lap; 
  No, no it won’t.

But it will give you plenty of opportunity to act upon it, if you do just that:
 Choose. That shouldn’t be all that hard, right?

All you have to do is take a step forward and grab, hoping it is not a mirage. 
 Mirages do happen if you are weary and weak.
 And the cause of your fatigue could be a surprise even to you;
 For we typically look past our greatest pains.

There is a throbbing need to act, but also a hesitation: an uncertainty.
 Life moves in real-time when we choose.
 We are doing something real; something uncertain.
 There is no time to think when you choose.
  Choosing is the tip of the spear, the first molecular dote.
                  It doesn’t quite know what’s ahead, because that is uncertain; unfamiliar.

  Even familiar things can change.
  Even familiar things can throw a loop in the sails.

“Oh.. is that a good loop, or a loopy loop?” One might say. 
  Yes, that is the question.

“Will I flip off a cliff if I step forward without recuse? 
 "What will happen to me?”

  These are all things one might say.
  Yes, things one might say.

Anyone can jump off a cliff at any time, they just have to choose.
 “Oooof, that’s too scary!” Most folks would churn.
 “It would be kind of a downer for all involved,” is conclusion.
 Decision made. But most decisions are much more abstract.

They involve our emotions, our sense of self. 
 Who we want our person to be. 
 You know, that person inside.

 “Hello Me!”

What does that person want or think?
What are those desires hiding deep underneath?

These are all questions a person may ask themselves.
 But questions are a reflexion, not a means. 

They sit and wait and linger; all they really do is take up time.
 Acts themselves are question-free, broken from the shackles; 
 Broken from the shackles of contemplation.

Daniel James 2014