Thursday, February 24, 2011

Just like sunshine.

rituals and facts, schedules and miscommunications, pride and offense

I was birthed. Emerged from the body of another. I drink when I am thirsty, shit when my bowls are full. I have arms and legs, four total, all controlled by a single brain. It can do whatever it wants with those limbs. ANYTHING. Sometimes they injure themselves. If serious enough, they would die. If my whole were injured enough, it would die. I would die. I. or it? or... I? or... it?

birthed by another thirst shit
4 limb- brain ANYthing limbs die, I?

bicker bicker bicker; fight fight fight

I pass you. I don't know you but you've seen me and I've seen you. Do we greet? Do we engage? Do we nervously look away and pretend to do something with our hands? How about a good 'ol fashioned round of sexual intercourse? Or at least a hi-five. Maybe I'll call you a faggot and spit in your face. Even if you're an old woman.

This festering pool of leaches mites eyebrows and discontent. These things I operate; these external things. Things of metal and iron; of plastic and wires.

You are operating a computer. {A COMPUTER} Right now.

STOP.... did you fucking hear that? Think motherfucker Think

Comfort comes in things. These things we operate to divert attention from self. These coffees and cigarettes and CELL PHONES and CELL PHONES and CELL PHONES and if nude we operate our hair and our nails and our big pusy zits and we look at them and we probe them and we wish they looked different because we wish we looked different because we think we are what we see but don't really know and we want to change what we are but don't really know.

These rooms and these sighs and all these people that look at you and wait and expect but all you want to do is find a computer and tell it to make you into something you're not and tell it you are good and whole and sexy and do everything right the first time and everything you see or want you can have and do and engage.

But they're always listening, they're always at the door, they're always staring at you on the dance floor and noticing the holes in you socks and the wax in your ears and the flakes in your hair and the way you always do that one special thing before going out but you can't quite remember what that thing is so you do something else but it doesn't make you quite satisfied.

I need to be fired I need to be sued I need to be drafted I need to be robed I need to be I need to be I need to be I need.

Build me a house & buy me a cat, pay all my bills & buy me a cat, clean up my mess & buy me a cat, & buy me a cat, & buy

I see who you are but you are who I see and I know that you see and what you see is me but you and me makes two not three but could it be that the three is we?

So lets drink and smoke and snort and pray and forget again to live another day.

Just like sunshine.
Daniel James 2008

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