Friday, February 25, 2011

Fresh Meat

I yearn for the touch of fresh meat on my fleshy black lips
                                                               Raw and Bloodied.

I love how the juices drip from my snout 
       and stimulate my large bland tongue.

I love to run.
I love to run across large open fields
 feeling the cool morning dew-drops scatter between my toes.

I love a windy Southern breeze, and how we pass
                                      like Strangers in the Night.

I smell meat simmering in an all-night eatery.

I smell apes
 sweaty in their tailored overcoats.
        Lonely. Arrogant. Confused.

I smell the changes of autumn leaves
 waiting to pass judgment before their Wake.

I smell happiness.
I smell

Down my running path
 a countryman hears what I hear, and shits where I shit.

How I envy his boister and grace.
His cool demeanor and ruthless tact.

Where the meat is free for the taking
                   dancing on a saltless sea.

You will find me.     

Lounging on the cool tile.
   Passing gas with excess.

Content with this
      Familiar Place.
Content with the way I sneeze in a dusty cave.

I have no Deadlines, Documents, or Preoccupations.
I have no will to see things through.

All I have
 is me.
  and gods willing:

A belly full of fresh, succulent meat.
                          Raw and Bloodied.

Fresh Meat
Daniel James (via the Red Pig) 2004

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