Saturday, January 2, 2016

2016 Forecast

This year will fly by FAST. Years later, in fact, you may have to pause and reflect on if it even really happened. But don’t be fooled, these months will be tightly wound with silver linings. Pay attention. It anything passes that you wish to take with you to the future, dunk your hand in the stream and grab it. If not, it may slip past and be lost forever.

Good luck, and Godspeed!

2016 Forecast
Daniel James 2016

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Another Chance

If I had another chance 
to hold you close 
Iʼd whisper my thoughts 
for you Iʼd boast.

Iʼd graze your hair 
smoothing every strand 
and feel the cool of your face 
against the palm of my hand.

Iʼd puncture your thoughts 
through the steady of my stare 
greens hueing and spewing 
through the midnight air.

Iʼd feel your heart beat 
galloping next to mine 
chest scuffing and ruffing 
against your soft divine.

Weʼd tangle and tremble, laugh and cry 
Embrace and savor, every second spry

Weʼd roll our eyes, bump our noses 
Gloat about our perfect teeth

If I had another chance...


To live in the moment 
is to know the best 
is always here.

Daniel James
Fall of 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Beautiful Summer

It was to be ephemeral, transitory;
A shared secret hidden from others to see.

It was to be flexible, vivid and carefree;
A mutual bond to celebrate new beginnings.

They huddled away, spoke in hushed tones,
Gazed into reflecting eyes and spoke from the heart.

They adventured together, invented time together,
And together they bloomed a wonderful warmth within.

It seemed as though summer could last forever,
But seasons changed and feelings changed faster.

The frigid air of autumn brought with it priorities and necessity,
Whatever was said could not be heard, and pride trumped tenderness.

They had no disagreements, only misunderstandings,
Each with mutual warmth and admiration that needlessly faltered. 

He wanted her time, impracticable as it may be,
and expected her to feel the same draw towards he.

But she no longer craved his humble affection, 
and he became restless, calculating and selfish.

What began as an honest profession of longing,
Turned to misplaced resent and shamed sentiment.

All he needed to do was say goodbye,
But she no longer had the time for he.


Solace comes from human hope,
That summer will return another day,
And friendships can endure the cold.

Beautiful Summer
daniel james 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015

To you, I lost

If I could warm,
the cold inside;
Erase the doubt,
with a smile;
I'd offer a sponge,
to soak up the joy;
And ooze your heart
with Goodness.

To you, I lost
daniel james 2015

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Life the ability to think and believe.

It’s what you feel when you look in the mirror,
and wonder exactly what you’re really looking at.

It’s the observation that takes place,
when you’re not doing anything important.

It’s when you look around and realize,
that life will give you chances and options.

That it is a mystery but not a game,
with only participants and their paths.

Sometimes a path goes up a steep slope,
or it goes straight ahead and winds around.

You’ll never know but you’ll wonder,
about what you’ll never know for sure.

Daniel James 2015

Sunday, January 4, 2015

That Need Inside

I felt a need to hold
a need to press
a need to confess
and touch the flesh

to feel and touch
what craves inside
to push and pull
what lives beside

a spark in the dark
to percolate

thrust through the dusk
to concentrate

fire to boil
water to burn

eye to eye
yearn to spurn

I feel a need
That lives beside

I feel a need
That need inside

That Need Inside
Daniel James 2015

Friday, November 14, 2014

Eternal Wisdom

One moment you will wake up,
And feel a sense of tranquil nothingness on your face;
Devoid of hot or cold, pressure or release.

And that feeling of nothingness will move you;
Your eyes will open and you’ll breathe a conscious breath;
And a gulp of warm liquid will shallow down your throat.

You will crave nothing. You will need nothing.
You will know that the world is a place in space that reacts to time.

And then you will live again;
For the first time.

Eternal Wisdom
Daniel James 2014

The best thing about aging

Perhaps the best thing about aging is realizing the preciousness of time.
Every second is a unique second. Every second can contain a lifetime.

Moments can slow down and speed up at your will.
And thus,  no matter what, a long day is always a good day.
It means that you have really lived, that you will remember.

What a greater way to live than to remember.
What a greater way to remember than to live.

The best thing about aging
Daniel James 2014

The best thing about living

The best thing about living is the unpredictability.

The best thing about living
Daniel James 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How to be successful in anything you do:

1.) Do something.
2.) Practice at it.
3.) Fail at it.
4.) Think about it, for a long time.
5.) Try it again, but in a different way.
6.) Ask someone’s opinion.
7.) Ask someone to help you.
8.) Make your own decisions.
9.) Be around good people.
10.) Follow your heart.


How to be successful in anything you do:
Daniel James 2014

Saturday, April 5, 2014

All around us

Tipped toes are not made to be stepped on
Dip them in the warm white sandy beaches
Wash them off in the turquoise of the sea.

For the ghosts are all around us
Spoke the silver in the sky.

Time is of the essence
Purred the river in the creek.

Clickity-clack, clickity-clack
Gentle sway to calm the way.

Clickity-clack, clickity-clack
The puppy dog wags its tail.

All around us
Daniel James 2014

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Speechless Divine

He could only vibrate
Unable to sleep, unable to wake
Lost in the gray blue haze of an arctic sky.

He could only feel
What ears cannot hear
And what the eyes cannot share with the mind.

Frozen in time
Speechless divine
He felt the pulse ripple down his spine.

And while the hallow hallways moan and groan
Through shallow lights and heavy stairways
A waiting stillness fell into the night
Arching towards the empty floor
Against a corner to rest.

He tried to talk, and it to him
His mouth open, and its gaze waiting
Until the night fever gave way to snow
Cooled against a hidden moonlight.

As it had been before
Which could not be denied
He could think of nothing more.

Speechless Divine
Daniel James 2014

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Creature of the Sea

He dreamt of a creature from the sea, a silky dark-haired vixen with beautiful brown eyes and arms outstretched to the skies.. she knows the power of her ways, her irresistible gaze.. melting the minds of men at her feet.

He stared with his mind blank, unable to think.. hoping the charm would beam through his chest to hers when eyes meet. To the seas, their hearts race. To the seas, their spirits flow.. to ravish the rocks of the shore.

Creature of the Sea

Daniel James 2014

Friday, January 31, 2014

True Beauty (advice to a beautiful stranger)

True beauty lies in the heart, shines through the breast and out the pores;
it spears you and smears you and streams through the floors; it stabs you and drags you and smothers the whores. True beauty lies in the heart, that throbbing blob to fuel the mob, making so the night gives flight, making so the fight is right. It’s in the chest, it can’t be seen; yet beams and steams and rips through the seams. It is faceless, out of hand, can’t be delivered by a mail man; you’ll need to send it and send it right, but do not fight to spite it’s might. There to be hold, not to be sold; it is your beauty forever gold.

True Beauty (advice to a beautiful stranger)
Daniel James 2012

Circular Fate

Close your eyes and feel the pull. It will direct you. It will magnetize you. You have a pull at the core; minerals and elements strewn together by soul. Your energy needs an outlet. It needs to be plugged in and utilized. Roots are drawn to water; water craves a root to grow. Let the pull drive you; let it take you to beyond your rational thought, beyond your mind, beyond your numerical value, beyond your chartered tour. Open your eyes and pull the light inside, open your eyes and see for the first time; again.

Circular Fate
Daniel James 2012

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Issues in Courtship, part 1 (2006)

Friday, May 12, 2006

No, I don't have any gum. 
But you may sit and watch from the curb.  
Lick your lips and eat your apple. 
Stare and probe and cast your charge.
Cock your head to gaze through lashes.

 I will pretend to be busy. Everyone has a task. 
Everyone can fake an excuse. I just need time to think.
There is room, yes, there is room.
But it wouldn't be 'till Memphis that I know for sure.     

These things take time.

We may need to shop together, to watch each other browse. To amble and ponder and dream of the future. That will do more good than hours of stilted small talk.

Posture is key. How do you react to change? I would like to see you walk through a harsh gust of wind; smell your favorite soap; listen to you eat a sandwich. 
These things take time.

I appreciate your candor and determined feist. Perhaps you've had time to gauge me, but this is the first I've heard of it. Television only works one-way.

Ask me a question, and I will be bland and practical.
Tell me your name, and I will forget.
If you sit in my lap, I'll try not to drop you. 

These things take time, and I'm in no big hurry. 
You can come if you like, but it'll be awkward at first. 

Would it be ok if I just sat on your couch and watched you perform mundane daily chores? 
Then we could play a game of Frisbee and have a staring competition later on?                                                                                                                                                                 That way I'll know for sure. 
That way we'll hit the ground running. 

But, like I said, come along if you like.

Issues in Courtship, part 1
Daniel James 

A Date with The Muse (2005)

        I can see you.

        Skidding through culture in your white Chevy van. 
        Discount cheese and a lone sardine can. Hiding behind curtains to read your book. 
        To enjoy your borrowed cot.

         I hold the globe, and you see it too. 
         I've been waiting with long-bearded curiosity and silver wolf-eyes.

         You sell wares to buy your meals. To pay your gas.
          It has been a long time since I've been spotted.

        Come, walk with me. We will hold hands and gaze into their vacant eyes. 
        We will dance and sing. We will lean on light poles and watch them scatter.

        The protest will only last as long as the evening news.
        They have babies to feed and taxes to pay.

         We will ride scooters through the park. That will be our protest. 
         Tears will stream from our cheeks, leaving trails of muddied sidewalks. 
         For children to play in with glee.

         You are me and I am you.
         I can tell by the whites of your eyes.
         You can tell by the way I wear my hair.

         We pass with a flash, but will meet again.

                 --If not in flesh, in spirit--

             I am here, I will always be here.
            And you will always be on vacation.

        Give me your hand, and I will play with it. 
        Tell me your stories, and I will beam.  
        I'd give you directions, but am better with thoughts than words.

         Take a left on Johnson, right on Main.
         I'll take your receipt and pin it to my wall.

         Perhaps we'll meet another day.

        A Date with the Muse
        Daniel James 2005


There comes a time in a young lad’s life where he must choose to act:
  “Choose” is the most deciding factor.

The chance to act is sitting right there, but won’t just jump into your lap; 
  No, no it won’t.

But it will give you plenty of opportunity to act upon it, if you do just that:
 Choose. That shouldn’t be all that hard, right?

All you have to do is take a step forward and grab, hoping it is not a mirage. 
 Mirages do happen if you are weary and weak.
 And the cause of your fatigue could be a surprise even to you;
 For we typically look past our greatest pains.

There is a throbbing need to act, but also a hesitation: an uncertainty.
 Life moves in real-time when we choose.
 We are doing something real; something uncertain.
 There is no time to think when you choose.
  Choosing is the tip of the spear, the first molecular dote.
                  It doesn’t quite know what’s ahead, because that is uncertain; unfamiliar.

  Even familiar things can change.
  Even familiar things can throw a loop in the sails.

“Oh.. is that a good loop, or a loopy loop?” One might say. 
  Yes, that is the question.

“Will I flip off a cliff if I step forward without recuse? 
 "What will happen to me?”

  These are all things one might say.
  Yes, things one might say.

Anyone can jump off a cliff at any time, they just have to choose.
 “Oooof, that’s too scary!” Most folks would churn.
 “It would be kind of a downer for all involved,” is conclusion.
 Decision made. But most decisions are much more abstract.

They involve our emotions, our sense of self. 
 Who we want our person to be. 
 You know, that person inside.

 “Hello Me!”

What does that person want or think?
What are those desires hiding deep underneath?

These are all questions a person may ask themselves.
 But questions are a reflexion, not a means. 

They sit and wait and linger; all they really do is take up time.
 Acts themselves are question-free, broken from the shackles; 
 Broken from the shackles of contemplation.

Daniel James 2014

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Box is Open

The box is open,
shutters flapped open,
 in a monsoonal burst.

Vibrant glare; to close & squint & water the eye.
Scream, if I must--
 Wave, and Yell, and Fall out of the Chair.

What is so wrong with the box?
Don’t you at least want to peek in and see?
 Isn’t it the least bit intriquing? Not even enough for a look?

I carry around this box.
Sometimes set it down, and try to look at it again,
 for the very first time.

Should I paint on it? Make it more appealing somehow?
Does it intimidate, stir a sense of suspicion or worse yet..

It seems like a pretty nice box to me.

The Box is Open
Daniel James 2013

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

American Fugitive

It is still possible to live as a fugitive in America today.

It is still possible to feel the wind at your back,
The blood rushing through your spine,
While you whiz through the night,

It is still possible to live as a fugitive in America today,
Greeting locals and buying newspapers,
Sipping coffee and reminiscing casually,
Standing with your very best friends.

It is still possible to live as a fugitive in America today,
To live as a fugitive is to live the life of a stolen man,
Your very own self and smelt for sale,
Your very own body and core on trial.

It is still possible to live as a fugitive in America today,
Smart fugitives are too cunning to do stupid things,
They follow the grid and never speed,
Pay in cash and leave their change.

To live as a fugitive, tip your cap and step outside,
To live as a fugitive, take a sigh and drop behind,
Just beyond the frame.

American Fugitive
Daniel James 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

Shady Grove Motel

Displaced in time,
Word without a mother,
There was a cat in my room before I even turned the key.

Rolling hills, distant suicide, sun cracking through the flesh.
Brick walls, television chatter, a cake of mildew on the floor.

Fat man, slide me my key. Fat man, slip a paper in my hand.

Until the end of time.

Shady Grove Motel
Daniel James 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012


Dogs are not impressed by new technologies. They don’t need the latest gadget and don’t care about the latest trends. Dogs are all gourmets. They know and appreciate good food, but keep their pretensions to a minimum. Filet mignon will always get first nod over a dead rat; but if there is no filet, the rat will do just fine.
Dogs don’t understand arithmetic, don’t take in any income and are not registered voters. They live very charmed lives.

Daniel James 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Burst Broadcast (prelude to a short film)

 In a place we’ve never seen, but not far from the present, there lies a future lost from the past. It is a technological bubble stupefied by necessity, unable to say hello to strangers, flickering like a lightning bug under the glass.

And then, a warm glow came across the sky. 
People were joyous, happy, blissed beyond their will. 
Lovers met, mothers loved, an old dog died in a young boy’s arms.
It was the awakening. Lightning surged, crashing down, reflecting psychedelic waves into the cellular sphere. Tesla was heard howling from the grave. Aghhhhhhhhhhhhh! As all power burst, wires fried, power plants tripped, Silicon Valley incinerated. Those in close contact with an active computer or cell phone were stunned into lobotomy. Young children and the elderly were primarily left to fend for themselves.
Only a limited network of land-line telephones, ham radio and backfired UHF television frequencies survived, while news and programing is spread primarily by rag-tag regional broadcast signals, and a new breed of citizens emerge like the aftermath of a civil war.

Second chances are not for the gifted, but for those of a will who's strong.

Burst Broadcast (prelude to a short film)
Daniel James 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

Messages for living in a new world

1.) The new world is both like and unlike the past. It will seem both entirely different and entirely the same as the present.
2.) The new world will contain new, big ideas. These ideas may seem good, but are really bad; or may seem bad, but are really good. It will be up to you to decide.
3.) Whatever you do will be new. You are new. Even if you are doing something old, you are a new person doing it.
4.) Energy shifts. It will hit you from time to time. Ride it while you can; It won't last forever.

Messages for living in a new world
Daniel James 2012

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Quote of the day (baseball)

"I can imagine hitting against him tonight. It would have been mind-boggling. I would have been swimming in my own brain about what to look for."

-Seattle Mariner's catcher, John Jaso, describing a stellar pitching by the veteran pitcher, Kevin Millwood. May 18, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Daily Insight, Tuesday Morning

“to live is to fall, backwards and blindfolded, longing for clouds to touch”

Daily Insight, Tuesday Morning
Daniel James 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Morning regrets.

A World of Nouns, A Wave of Rounds.
Time, Location and Moment.

The trick to this is quite simple, really, complicated only in its undoing.
You must be in the Time and Place, moments must be aligned.

There are hundreds of moments within a given place.
There are hundreds of places within a given time.

But to find the One moment.. takes patience, foresight, a splash of lucked fate.
A clear window to view through the crack, sliding down slowly, lingering a moment.
Place the wooden peg between the sill and the pane and slip right through.
Linger in the moment, let time freeze/stutter/pass, marking the illusion.
Set a placemat and tip your driver. Smile if you must.

All you need is a Moment, if you look and react it will find you.
But when it finds you you must Act.
Act or it will disappear. For you may be low on second chances.

For a second chance is a second circumstance, Big Bang/Little Bang, vortex path.
And your mathematical odds may never be the same.
Holding their name within your vein.
Slowly Slipping from the frame.

Morning regrets.
Daniel James 2012

Text Inspired by Indian Jewelry concerts 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012


I keep a very mild exterior so that my identity can change quickly.

My ring and pointer fingers are equal distance apart.

My last bowl movement occurred at a time they call “magic hour” in the movie business for the golden, beautiful sunset lighting & atmosphere. Afterwards, I strolled down my local street, where the tavern advertised “Happy Hour Specials.” I ordered three sliders, along with two Mai Tai’s and a tall Zombie. I later staggered out into the night.

Shirley Temple earned a MILLION dollars by age 10.

Babe Ruth began his career as a young “Southpaw” pitcher, and was forever haunted by a misfired pitch-- a bean to the head which killed a man.

Daniel James 2012


I was a long distance swimmer.. keep your forearms loose but glide into & spear the water without a splash.. long strokes with a firm, tight waist.. bilateral breathing if possible (1.2.3 breath; 1.2.3 breath)... remember to kick if you get tired.. and daydream your most tantalizing thoughts until the finish line ;)

Daniel James 2012

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Nuf' said

And it was said over and over again:
Do what you will, boy!
Do what you will!

At first a Thr’il:l
and then a Ch’ill:

Do what you will, boy!
Do what you will!

What a concept to maintain
What a concept to contain
What a content justified
What a glory crusified

Do as do as though is right
Do as do as hard to fight
Do as do as Peter Pan
Do as do as handy man

Do what you will, boy!
Do what you will!

To ill to fullfill
Nil’ ‘lil pill nill
Lil’ dill will

And then I came to my senses and realized we all just try, try our best.
‘cause the best is all we’re ever gunna have. might as well be the best.

Nuf’ said
Daniel James 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011


time is a moment,
a moment in time;

the pierce of a pin,
on the giant’s back.

taste is a sensation,
smell is an illusion;

I think therefore I am.

one day I will cease to wake,
and the sun will cease to rise,

yet a stone will lay on the dark side of the moon,
a fire will burn with no eyes to see,
and you will remain here,
now, past, present,
through current,
breezes lent,
micros born,
cosmos cut,
friends felt,
pits peeled,
for he,
for ye,

into the light.

Daniel James 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011


jerked awake by a click in the head,
rustled by a stirring breeze;
there are decisions to make.

new trees are growing, old trees disappearing;
time is moving fast.

a new beginning, a new beginning, a new beginning;
they say.

a new beginning, a new beginning, a new beginning;
they say.

time is moving fast, new trees are growing;
jerked awake by a click in the head.

Looking for advice, and saw it everywhere;
buzzing every hair, particles in the air;
seedlings with messages to bear;
fractured apart.

My eyes are wide, toeing the starting line;
electric spine, electric spine, electric spine;
toeing the starting line, swaying to the click.

false start hesitation, false start anticipation;
these times are made to make you think.

false start hesitation, false start anticipation;
these times are made to make you blink.

it is the time to cut, the time to tie;
the time for you to roll the die.

to focus and find what’s on the mind;
to focus and find what may be blind;

a cool drink of water.

let’s just lie in the grass with ants in our hair and the sun on our face and the clouds in our minds and the birds in our thoughts and seep into the earth to find our place and our selves and confront the comfort through bliss with no remiss or hiss and toss the kiss.

Daniel James 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011


When I was a boy, I could watch television for eight hours at a time, twelve in a good day. I would tell time by my favorite programs, keenly aware of the elements in them that defined the culture for which I lived. Morning for updates, noontime for serious, daytime for gossip and drama. 5pm gets sober, 6pm gets nervous, 7pm gets exiting, while after ten means danger.

As I grew older, I realized the best hours of television were between 3-4am. These are the times when all you have is passion, grit and madness. Primal. Illusive. Solitary. These are the times when live Weather Channel reporters get wacky and delirious, when Public Access Television delves into their deepest, darkest corners and even re-runs become too good for the likes of you.

Whenever on a long trip and budget allows, I will find the smallest town over 500 on the map, on the most remote sector of my direction. I will find the old highway off the glitz strip and search for what looks to be the oldest, cheapest and most forgottenly American motel. I will find a feast for both the body and the mind, and revel in the luxury.

It will likely be a Monday, or will feel as though, and they will have something guiltily extravagant to buy at the local service station. A bottle of wine, pop magazine, or Polish hot dog, perhaps. Lady Luck on my side, the Taco John’s will still be open. If not, I will order a quesadilla to-go from the 24hr roadside dive, to accompany what would hopefully be a Molotov cocktail of wine, smokes and that shiny pop magazine.

Once returned, I take off my shoes with a deep victorious sigh, create an appropriate pillowed nesting zone, and finally grasp the wand- the taser- zapper- and clicker of wonder--- powering up the box that once gave me so much joy as a boy. We will laugh and cry, stare and zone, think a befuddled thought. Baseball highlights will loop to my heart’s content, Star Trek or Quantum Leap will sooth and amuse, and a local Big Band will play summer picnic socials on Channel 4.

But it all waits in anticipation for that glorious hour between three and four.

You will find that most major storms in the Midwest occur during these mystery hours of the night, when only a streaking semi truck dare challenge the rounds. The wind will howl and a loud CRASH will jar you from a dozing haze. You’ll crack the door and peer outside, only to see your jalopy in the lot and a skinny black cat slinking around the corner, barely crevicing the neon light puddle cast by your motel marquee. You’ll feel a sharp cringe of paranoia, realize you’re a mad man in a lonely place, and then the Television will take you in. The love and compassion of a room of lost relatives. The love and compassion of a world you may never meet.

Take me in Television, take me in.

Daniel James 2011